Articles and Essays, DIDY-do it ya damn self

on getting your car fixed / car mechanics

    One time I asked an artist mentor in Burque who’d briefly been a mechanic to recommend one for me, in part so I wouldn’t get ripped off being (seen as) female. He did, and they proceeded to completely rip me off.  He explained that he liked that mechanic because he believed them to be trustworthy and they’d done good work for him and friends for a decade, so he was offering to go *with* me to their garage…because otherwise of course, being (seen as) female, they’d rip me off.  I tried to let him know that not only was this counter to what I was looking for, but that knowing this, I was astounded that he could possibly see them as a good business, continue to use them, and have done so for so long.

Though it may not be the case, this could be a part of what’s going on for you.  Asking local females which mechanic they trust can help find an actual non-discriminating good shop.  If this is not the case, and mechanics are trying to pull one over on you just like they would on anyone else, it still proves their sketch factor, and you can still get a good recommendation by asking such friends and nerdy or hipster-looking folks mechanics think they can get a lot of dough from on account of their assumed lack of car savvy. When my friends and the locals really did possess only a minimal body of vehicular knowledge,  I’d compare their recommendations to those of someone who I knew was mechanically savvy about cars to make sure the engine-disoriented people weren’t getting the wool pulled over their four-square-dark-rimmed glasses.

If you’re not having luck for lower cost, mechanics in some states charge minimum or fixed amounts for labor.  Some people I know and myself just bought the part and did a lot of YouTube DIY work on the car.

How to Find a Mechanic and Fix Your Car


2 thoughts on “How to Find a Mechanic and Fix Your Car

  1. Pingback: “Mansplaining” | Sabri Sounds Off

  2. I like that you pointed out asking for recommendations from friends. I just bought a new car and I’ve been looking for a good mechanic. I didn’t know where to start and asking around seems like a good idea. I’ll definitely do that before making a decision.

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